Monday, October 27, 2008

long time no see!!

sorry people! sad to say I was busy not because of assignments. Yes, what a lazy girl right? But heck, my brother went Singapore and came back and left again, huh? He's on a digging gold mission or to accomplish his "ambition" LOL

And now I have too many assignments to be done in so little time. Almost all involve writing writing and more writing. I have no idea what I just wrote so yalah.. hehehe. Oh my lecturer Mr Tan always says this "What do we expect to see from the boring girl kar yan?" So mean! >.< Sometimes he lectures me 4 times a week or at very least twice a week. And I get all these remarks EVERYTIME I see him. grrrrr..

this is my brother

Friday, October 3, 2008

I found my 'fake' dog, soft toy dog.
Not that important anymore though, as it will be kept in a box with the others.
Something else will take over its position.

Nothing to be sad about.